Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hello One and All!  Thank you for coming by to my blog about all things of the spiritual nature. On today's show of Spirtuality Talk I discuss how important it is to value Patience.  I have noticed and witnessed within my own life experiences how important it is not to blow a fuse just because you can't be patient enough to wait your turn in line or for that big wish that we have been putting out into the universe what may seem to be ions.

When I was growing up as a little girl I didn't get designer clothing,fancy shoes and lots of hair accessories.  Sounds like all the things that most little girls want. I only wanted these things because I saw on commercials that is what I was suppose to want because that was my role as a little girl on this planet at that time. I wanted to fit in with all of the other little girls in school yet I never did. My mother had to work extra hard to support me and my other siblings while my father had affairs,physically abused my mother and was gone a lot.  So my mother was the bread winner of the family.  We scrimped and pinched pennies and we lived below the poverty line in a house that was literally falling apart. 

I can remember watching a commercial for the doll Monchichi and I really wanted that stuffed animal monkey with the banana on it's thumb.  I thought about it so much that finally when my birthday came around one of my eldest brothers gave it to me as a gift.  So I do believe that the power of our minds is clearly understated when talking about how we really do have the ability to manifest what it is that we truly desire in this world. 

Patience surely plays a role in this game of life.  When you can slow down and relax your energy and vibration changes  You become more light and see the world how it really is and you begin to see specifically your world that you would like to live in.  You start to realize that your world is yours and yours alone.  You perceive the world in a very unique way and it is all based on why you came down to this planet in the first place.

I found going outside with Mother Earth has been literally a life saver for me.  When I am feeling extremely impatient I know that Mother Earth can help slow me down.  She can give me wonderful advice on how to solve problems and she can give me actual step by step solutions to these problems.  Mother Earth helps me to tune into what it really important.  What really matters is gettting in touch with my higher self.

By doing the things that I enjoy doing the most I can achieve a level of patience that rewards me in the end. If I operate from a position of Fear,Control, Violence,Anger etc.. I have blocked energy and my ideas can not flow.

I hope this helps anyone out there that needs that extra boost to flow through your day realizing that we are deprogramming our minds from all of the commercialism we have been subjected to since childhood. 

Mother Earth Loves You All

Warm Regards, 

If you are interested in me answering a question of a Spiritual Nature please email me

I charge $50.00 per question and I can make a video of my response to your question on my show Spirituality Talk.