Hello Everyone! I hope that everyone is having a calm and peaceful Fall Season thus far. During this season I tend to feel more in the mood to write. I feel motivated to describe how the wind blow forcefully through the trees week and shriveled leaves display themselves before my eyes every day now that it is fall.
I know that the veil between the living and the dead is very thin. Sometimes the veil seems nonexistent. That is, for those of us who are empathic . Those of us who are very sensitive to those ghosts of the past.
A ghost ,to me, is a soul that had a tragic end when on this earthly plane. Some souls can be so tortured whilst here on earth that when they do pass the past is still clinging to them and they are now lost souls.
I discuss the subject of Ghosts and what I think that they are in a new show today on my darkmoondoll channel. Every Thursday I host a show called Spirituality Talk. I get questions often about ghostly encounters and one important thing I want anyone who is reading this blog is that we ultimately have control over our own soul. And we can become more and more confident in our life's purpose the more that we spend time in nature. Get to know Mother Earth and you will get to know who you are . Without all of the distractions of modern day technology ie. cell phones,computers, tv, radio for just 15 min at least of your day you will find that you have more peace of mind.
I hope everyone is taking some time out to be creative and to appreciate and love the person that you are now and not 20yrs ago.
Blessings To You and Yours, DarkMoon Doll