So today on my darkmoondoll youtube chanel I did an intuitive beginner's video for simple meditation for reaching a state of calm to contact you higher self. I believe that my higher self has access to all of the questions big or small. I like to share the knowledge that I receive during meditation because I feel that it can help people out there realize that you can heal your life. Almost everyone has had to heal from some sort of traumatizing event in their lives. I am no different.
I hope that you all value the natural gifts that you are given once stepping foot onto this Mother Earth. We are all special. We are all on a spiritual journey. When I say spiritual I do not mean religious. You do not have to be a religious person going to church everyday,or preach door to door to be spiritual. I think that a lot of people believe this and that is why if asked that they would not dare say that they are spiritual at all.
I decided to take a break from creating videos on my darkmoondoll channel for awhile so that I can focus on writing in my blog and cleaning up and organizing my art studio. So I will be back to making videos in February 2016
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Thank you all for stopping by.
Peace Be With You and Your Friends and Family