Thursday, March 24, 2016

Cold and Flu Season Letting Go

Hello Everyone!  For almost a week I have been experiencing cold and flu symptoms.  I go outside.  I sit in the sun.  I read. I embroider.  I cut out dairy from my daily eating. And I have been taking time to just heal. I think that too many times people assume that if someone gets sick that means that they are just really unhealthy.  I think it is not all together true. Many of us here on Earth have many old wounds from past traumas that have not healed completely. Many of us hold in our emotions in order to not hurt someone's feeelings.  We hold in these emotions even though we know that letting them out would help us to heal.

I have found that instead of unleashing a wrath of painful memories and heart ache on someone I will express my feelings through art an writing.  Creativity is still so undervalued when it comes to healing the body mind and soul.  I can go outside with the sun rays and express freely everything that I ever wanted to say in a non literal way through art.  Art is healing. Mother Nature encourages us all to be creative beings.  That is why we came here in the first place. 

I have found it very helpful to be in nature as much as possible in order to look at all of the reasons why I do the things that I do.  In order to understand who I am and to remind myself of who I am I get my body on outside an ask the question that need to be answered.  Once these questions are answered it is not like I run out of questions.  Everyday I pose a set of new questions in order to understand this quest of life I am on.

Letting go is a harsh statement for some.  When the words letting go are put together within the context of your life that has been hard and treacherous the concept seems impossible. What I have learned is that we do not have to let go of everything all at once.  Layers by layer we will heal.  And we will continue to remember why we come to this Planet Earth in the first place

Brightest Blessings To You All


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