Monday, April 11, 2016

Hello Everyone.  Today I created a show for Monday Morning Rant.  I talked about what I think about the movie indus

try.  I specifically discussed my view on why they repeat things so much. Like remaking the same movie over and over. Or making movies out of old tv shows like Dukes Of Hazard.  Buffy The Vampire Slayer is another one.

It's as if Hollywood does not have a creative bone in their bodies.  Some people seem to think that everything has been done before.  And there is no original ideas anymore.  So that is why they keep on making the same old shit with different pick of the year actors.

The real reason why the repetition method is used in movies is because they want people to believe that they are not creative.  They want to stop the flow of creativity by showing you things you have seen before.  When they show you things that you have seen before then you can get stuck in nostalgic feelings and not be in the present moment.

I use to be one to succumb to commercialism when I was a very young and impressionable black girl living in Illinois.  But as time went on I started to realize that movie makers, creators of televisions are not creating visuals to empower me.  They are bringing forth mind controlling images to make me feel less than I am.

Through adds for how to make curly hair straight and manageable to skin cream lightener to make you less like you came from Africa they worked on my brain in a menacing way.

Question what you watch on that box in your living room. 

Brightest Blessings,  Darkmoon Doll

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Reluctant Empath and The Postal Worker

I don't know if you all know but I will let you know something.  On Mondays I sometimes host this show called Monday Morning Rant on my youtube channel under the name darkmoondoll.   So today on Monday Morning Rant I shared a personal experience I have had with the postal guy that delivers our mail here.  He  asked me if I could do something about my neighbor's dogs.  My neighbor's dogs are scary looking.  One dog is a doberman pincher I think( I am not that great with identifying dogs) and the other is a pit bull.  Both dogs bark at him whenever he comes by to deliver my neighbor's mail.  Then again those dogs bark at anyone that passes by. 

Basically that's how most dogs are.  They like to protect their home.  This mailman seemed to think that I would talk to my neighbor about his dogs.  Like I am suppose to just go over to my neighbor and ask him to keep his dogs locked away inside during the mail delivering hours.  The next week he was really snarky with me.  I had a package delivery that was very heavy. I had the delivery scheduled, so it's not like it was unexpected.  I go outside my door to check to see if the mailman picked up my package . I see him walking away.  He then senses that I am there and he turns around.  He gives me a disdainful look and says"  I can't carry that box on my back.  I will be back to pick it up."  Wow!  Where did that come from. I am thinking he was very angry with the fact that nothing has changed.  He still has to do deal with the angry scary dogs.

My point is  what do I do to help?  You will have to come across a scary dog or two if you deliver the mail, sell things from door to door, if you are a jehovah witness etc.  I don't even see my next door neighbor  that much anyway.

Thank you for listening to my rant.  The things that happen to me seem like things that happen on a tv sitcom

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday Meditation Meditating When Angry

Have you ever felt so angry like your body was on fire.  I have those moments less and less ever since I started a regular meditation session.  I meditate outdoors or I meditate quiet dark room.  When indoors  I like to set the mood.  I light a candle.  I burn some sage, rosemary, or lavender.  I focus in on the candle light flame and begin to feel a sense of peace and tranquility.  Just the exercise of focusing in on the flame can bring down your high blood pressure for sure.

When meditating outside I like to sit in the sun.  The sun can recharge you.  The sun can cleanse you of any toxic negative energy that you have within and without.  The sun is very healing. A lot the times when we become angry it usually has nothing to do with the person that we are throwing the angry energy at.  It has a lot to do with our unresolved past issues and not knowing how to express oneself in a constructive way.

I hope this little bit of advice help anyone out there who is suffering from severe feelings of anger.  Anger can be dispelled once you figure out why  you are really angry.

 Brightest Blessings To You All,

Regards , Darkmoon Doll

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Cold and Flu Season Letting Go

Hello Everyone!  For almost a week I have been experiencing cold and flu symptoms.  I go outside.  I sit in the sun.  I read. I embroider.  I cut out dairy from my daily eating. And I have been taking time to just heal. I think that too many times people assume that if someone gets sick that means that they are just really unhealthy.  I think it is not all together true. Many of us here on Earth have many old wounds from past traumas that have not healed completely. Many of us hold in our emotions in order to not hurt someone's feeelings.  We hold in these emotions even though we know that letting them out would help us to heal.

I have found that instead of unleashing a wrath of painful memories and heart ache on someone I will express my feelings through art an writing.  Creativity is still so undervalued when it comes to healing the body mind and soul.  I can go outside with the sun rays and express freely everything that I ever wanted to say in a non literal way through art.  Art is healing. Mother Nature encourages us all to be creative beings.  That is why we came here in the first place. 

I have found it very helpful to be in nature as much as possible in order to look at all of the reasons why I do the things that I do.  In order to understand who I am and to remind myself of who I am I get my body on outside an ask the question that need to be answered.  Once these questions are answered it is not like I run out of questions.  Everyday I pose a set of new questions in order to understand this quest of life I am on.

Letting go is a harsh statement for some.  When the words letting go are put together within the context of your life that has been hard and treacherous the concept seems impossible. What I have learned is that we do not have to let go of everything all at once.  Layers by layer we will heal.  And we will continue to remember why we come to this Planet Earth in the first place

Brightest Blessings To You All


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Today on my darkmoondoll youtube channel I talk about a subject that many people find unsettling.  The topic was death today.  I have faced death many times on all of the 42yrs that I have walked upon this earth.  I have experienced what many might seem impossible to survive through.  I am sure there are others out there that have lived life knowing that the soul is eternal.  There are many people who also believe that you can live within a human body for as long as you want to.  I am not referring to transhumanism because I don't believe Mother Nature intended for Wo/Man and Machine to be one.

Living every day like it is your last day on earth is an approach some like to take with there lives.  I have lost many loved ones on my spiritual journey here on Earth and each time it helped me to understand death more and more. When I think of those loved ones that have passed I smile because I can feel the warmth of all the good times that we shared. 

When we stay here now we become ageless and death is no longer a fear that stunts our evolution .

Brightest Blessings To You All,


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Spirituality Talk Jealousy

Hello Everyone! Today I share with you my experience with that ugly monster called Jealousy. I call it ugly because it is in fact horrific at times.  You can get so tied up in those feelings of rage and insecurity when a woman looks at your husband the in flirtatious way.  Or in my case when women come up to my husband and blatantly flirt with him not even caring if he has a wife or not.  I have encountered these experiences on several occasions when me and my husband are out and about. 

On today's show you will tell you how I handle these type of situations without blowing my top.  I emphasize in a lot of my shows how important meditation  can be in understanding ourselves better.  If you are confused as to why you get jealous frequently in your life it may be something you want to meditate about.

I find that sitting in environment that is peaceful, reasonably quiet, preferably out in nature.  If you can sit with your back against a tree.  Trees are very healing and listen to your thoughts and desires.  They communicate on a telepathic level.  On a feeling level.  Being out in nature ask the questions you need to ask in order to rid yourself of toxic thinking regarding jealousy. You will get the answers to your questions when you deeply listen .

Friday, January 15, 2016

Hello Everyone.  So Today on Dream Talk I shared with the viewers of my Darkmoon Doll channel my dream about a very famous wizard in the magickal movies adapted from J.K. Rowlings books Harry Potter. His name is Dumbledore and he appeared in my dreams to help heal me.  To find out more about this dream you can watch today's show which I will post here for your convenience.  I asked for healing assistance from the Angels and help came in a form that I could relate to.  If you ask for guidance and you sincere in your request guidance will appear.

When I first read about Angels and their mission I was skeptical.  So several years back I just started asking at night before I go to bed if I can get some healing from an Angel and lo and behold here is Dumbledore who turned into what looked like an old wise witch.

I am no longer a skeptic when it comes to spirit guides, angels, and our ancestors. People are afraid in their dreams because they cannot understand this life that they are living.  They are confused as to what direction to go in life.  They are unsatisfied in their relationships, in a job that they hate, to exhausted when they come home at night to even think of meditating with some soft soothing music instead of turning on the TV.

I know all of these things because I have experienced the lifestyle of working the 9-5 type of job and giving my all and then some to the point where when I get home I have no energy left to do the things that I truly feel passionate about.  And that can reflect in the type of dreams you have if this is how your life is right now.

You can make small steps every night to ask for assistance and guidance within the dream world in order to for one: understand your dreams better, for two: get in contact with the spirit guides and angels that are available if you only ask for the help and for three: learn what you life's purpose is here on earth.

If you consider yourself to be on a spiritual journey it does not necessarily involve going to churches,reading a bible every night,etc.  To me it means really listening to your Higher Self and asking those questions that will connect to why you are here in the first place. Who are you?  What are you doing here? What is you purpose on earth?  What should you being doing for yourself at this point your life ?  If you ask questions like this or similar you will get answers.  And right before you enter the Dream World you can ask these questions.

Thank you for reading this blog entry for today on Dreams and on my show Dream Talk

Brightest Blessings,  Darkmoon Doll

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